News from Preston Court
New Lighting – with vintage filament bulbs
Lauren and Jon’s Sunny September Wedding
Lauren and Jon’s sunny September wedding at Preston Court. Photos by Jacob and Pauline photography.
Dennie-Marie & Dave’s magical circus theme
Dennie and Dave paid incredible attention to detail and transformed the barn and gardens into a fantastical circus theme.
There were tables adorned in hand painted gold elephants, unique circus themed crockery and gorgeous white hydrangeas. A BBq was followed by a feast of homemade toffee apples, a candy floss stand, cup cakes and a jaw dropping 5 tier carnival themed wedding cake. Side stalls included a kissing booth, as well as a caricaturist and even a fortune teller.
Carousel Restoration

Wedding white horses with a vintage twist
Tiggi of Tiggi Winkle Design has spent the last 6 months painstakingly restoring and re- painting each of the 30 Victorian carousel horses. We have been inspired the used to showcase his Spring/ Summer collection.
Each horse is slightly different and the intricate carve work on them has required specialist care.
At dusk the whole ride really comes alive and the horses float around against the peach evening sky.
PopUp Opera, 10th April 2015
The PopUp Opera Company are bringing their production of Mozart’s “Die Entfuhrung” (The Abduction) to Preston Court on Friday 10th April 2015 at 7.30 pm.
Grab your tickets here [icons icon=”fa-ticket” type=”normal”][icons icon=”fa-hand-o-right” type=”normal”]
Click here to download the poster [icons icon=”fa-file-photo-o” type=”normal”]